Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Dumbbell Only Full Body Workout

Covid-19 sucks. Gyms are closed or at best limited capacity. Even with the gyms open I am scared to be around a group of people breathing as heavy as possible. If one person has the vid, we could all get the vid. Luckily for me Costco had some dumbbells for sale and I bought a set! That is what has inspired me to put this Dumbbell Only Full Body Workout together! Take a look, tell me what you think!

This workout should take you about one hour. You will notice that the bench press has 5 sets, this is because I want to focus on my chest. If you want to focus on your legs or glutes, reduce the number of bench press sets and increase the number of sets you do for your legs or glutes.

Between each set I take a 1 minute rest. 

Bench Press58-12
Bicep Curl38-12
Bent Over Row38-12
Reverse Plank38-12
V Up38-12
Goblet Squat38-12
Hip Thrust38-12
Calf Raises38-12

Want to make it harder?

  • Replace the Bicep Curl with Zottman Curls
  • Slow your tempo. Read more here!
  • Weigh down your lunges, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
Exercise Alternatives:
  • Bench Press can be replaced with Push Ups.
  • Don't have a bench? Replace Bench Press with Floor Presses.
  • Bent Over Rows can be replaced with Pull Ups, Chin Ups or Inverted Rows.
  • Goblet Squats can be replaced with Squats, Overhead Squats, or Bulgarian Split Squats.
  • Deadlift can be replaced with Single Leg Deadlifts.
  • Hip Thrusts can be replaced with Glute Brigdes. 
When to do this workout:
Any time you want! Don't like one of the exercises, that is fine just replace it with something you do like. Working out can be fun!
I do this 3 to 4 times a week. My goal is to perform this every other day, but sometimes life is busy and I have to skip a day!

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