Monday, June 28, 2021

5 Exercises to Cure and Prevent Tennis Elbow and Golfers Elbow

 5 Exercises to Cure and Prevent Tennis Elbow and Golfers Elbow

First things first, I never knew you could get Tennis Elbow or Golfers Elbow from weight training! Commonly referred to as Weight Lifters Elbow, this is a form of Triceps Tendonitis, or a severe inflammation in the tendon that connects the triceps to to the elbow joint.

Triceps Tendonitis is often caused due to overwork, poor form, or weakness in the muscles surrounding the joint. I first found out about Weight Lifters elbow after I started doing chest dips multiple times a week. If you are unfamiliar with the exercise. Chest dips area compound movement that works many muscles in the upper body. Some of the muscles include the pectoralis major, delts, triceps, pectoralis minor, lats, rhomboids, and more! 

As you can see chest dips are a complicated exercise. If you flair your elbows too far out, you can injure your elbows. This was my initial problem. I modified my form and tucked my elbows as close to my body as possible. Unfortunately this did not help. 

You have to treat your elbow like a knee, this is a single movement joint, anytime you experience pain in the join, without injury it points to a weakness in the connecting muscles above and below. This points to the shoulder and the forearm! 

So how do I Cure and Prevent Tennis Elbow and Golfers Elbow?

First stop doing all exercises that upset your elbow joints. Replace chest dips with different types of bench presses. For example hit your entire chest by doing sets of Incline Bench, Flat Bench and Decline Bench.

Second strengthen the attached muscles. Grow your shoulders and forearms. My issue is in my forearms so we will focus here.

5 Exercises to Cure and Prevent Tennis Elbow and Golfers Elbow

1. Fist Clench

To perform a fist clench all you need is a table, a cloth and a hand. Place your arm on the table, open your hand and face your palm up. Place a towel in your hand, squeeze the towel for 5 seconds then release. Repeat this 10 to 12 times for 3 sets.

2. Wrist Turn

To perform a wrist turn you will need a small dumbbell. I use a 6 pounder. If you do not have dumbbells you can use a can of corn or a water bottle filled. Place your elbow to your side, hold your arm up at a right degree angle. Hold the weight in your hand. Without moving your arm turn your wrist so your palm is facing the ground. Hold this for 5 seconds and turn your write so your palm is facing up. Repeat this 10 to 12 times for 3 sets. 

3. Wrist Curl

To perform a wrist curl you will need a small dumbbell. I use a 6 pounder. If you do not have dumbbells you can use a can of corn or a water bottle filled. Place your elbow to your side, hold your arm up at a right degree angle. Hold the weight in your hand. Without moving your arm curl your wrist up, hold this position for 5 seconds, repeat 10 to 12 times for 3 sets.

4. Wrist Extensor Stretch

To perform a wrist extensor stretch hold your are out straight ahead of you. Point your fingers to the floor. Ensure your palm is facing away from you. With you opposite hand grab your fingers and gently pull your wrist to your forearm. Hold for 30 seconds and release. Perform this multiple times a day.

5. Wrist Extensor Flex

To perform a wrist extensor flex hold your are out straight ahead of you. Point your fingers to the sky. Ensure your palm is facing away from you. With you opposite hand grab your fingers and gently pull your wrist to your forearm. Hold for 30 seconds and release. Perform this multiple times a day.

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